
Can my Female betta live with my Male?

by Guest62143  |  earlier

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I have a 2 gallon tank with one plant and a filter with a water temp of 80f! My female is in a 2Litres tank and i want it to be in a filterd tank with my male! But the first time i put them together my male attacked her... Back then she was small... Now she is grown big! is it okay if i put them together? I really want my female and male together and get along!




  1. Betta fish are unsocialble fish. They do not like to be together. Its definately not okay to put two males together. It might be okay to put a male and a female depending how they get along. But i wouldn't put them together cause they might kill each other, I like the safe side. But if you have two female betta you can put them in the same tank, just make sure you drop them both in the tank at the same time. (aggressive fish). Good luck! And I hope your fish are happy!!

  2. Chances are, no, she can't.

    They will most likely killing each other. A few years back, a classroom had two bettas. They were in the same tank, but there was a divider down the center.

    A kid lifted up the divider, and they attacked each other. I don't remember which one (the boy or girl) died, though.

    Bettas are solitary fish, and prefer to be left alone.

  3. One will kill the other.  Size and gender do not matter.

  4. No you cant keep them together in a small tank.

    The only time a male betta will tolerate a female around in when they are breeding, and he will chase her away once the eggs are layed. In a 2 gal tank there is nowhere for her to escape to, so it ends up as a fight to the death.


  5. i use to have a bunch and bought a book on the subject and they said to keep them seperate until you want them to mate...when he starts putting a bunch of bubbles at the top of the tank hes reading to mate with her and thats were when she lays the eggs on the bottom of the tank h**l put them in the bubbles and thats were they will hatch and he is the one that will take care of them not the mom.... but for a short answer mine always fought and the female ruled the tank and would chase my male around the tank....

  6. put a net in between them at first so they dont hurt each other..and watch how they reach to each other

  7. no

    one of them will kill the other.i no i havd the same fish as u and the same size tank.they were the same size to.don't do it. my boy fish killed the girl.we called him killer.we feed him guppies.not fish food.

  8. No! ABSOLUTELY NOT! They WILL KILL each other. Betta are called Chinese Fighting Fish for a reason. It doesn't matter whether its a girl or boy they're with, if its a betta or looks like one, they will FIGHT.

    BTW to all those cruel people out there: Don't even think about putting two betta together just to see them fight because that is just CRUEL and ANIMAL ABUSE

  9. A 2 gallon tank is too small for two Bettas, even if they are male and female.  As she is larger now they might get along for a while, if they decide to mate.  Bettas can get quite rough during courtship though and if he is guarding a nest he will not tolerate her presence.

  10. Betas are VERY aggressive and cannot live with any other fish... including other betas.

  11. NO!! They'll kill eachother!! You have to put them in separate areas.  Put the male in the tank and the female in a fish bowl.  Put these right next to eachother so they have a clear view of eachother and can get used to eachother, but they can't attack eachother because they're in separate tanks.  So after two weeks put them both in the tank and everything will be ok=] thats what the guy at the pet store told me when i asked him the same question=]

  12. I have my male and female betta living together and they do not bother eachother. At first they chased each other a little bit but now they are fine. Just let them get used to each other and they will be fine.They may have babies though. If the male makes a bubble nest and they female looks a little plump they will probably mate

  13. They should be alright = )

  14. No, you cannot keep them together. Bettas cannot "get along"--they are aggressive by nature and if you put them together they will kill each other, that's just how they are. Multiple females may be able to coexist if they have a very big tank with lots of hiding places, but a male and female cannot. In the wild the females actually do their best to stay away from the males--they only ever get together when they want to mate, after which they part ways again. It's good that you want them to have a lot of room, but the best thing you can do for them is to house them separately. It will keep them from hurting/killing each other and from being stressed by the presence of an "intruder" they cannot reach.

  15. bettas dont get along. they just dont. i would keep them in separate tanks and have them both covered on top if you already dont cause all of mine liked to actually hop tanks just to kill the other. ~sigh~ stupid fish.

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