
Can my GPS help police catch me speeding?

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Does my GPS help police in any way to catch me? Not that I'm a criminal... But is it easier for them to catch me?




  1. i suppose in a strech, if an officer expected you to end up arguing your speed in court, he could ask to see your GPS and note in his report that the GPS also confirmed the same or a higher speed than he clocked in it's onboard program...not sure how much weight that would cary in court but if your more than 100 miles away from the state line and the gps is only showing the last 98 miles, and your being clocked on the highway at the state max speed limit...

    like i said it's all kind of flimsy to begin with...

  2. No, this is not 1984 and Big Brother isn't watching us that closely...

    However, I have heard of some technology in cars that will actually issue you a ticket based upon your speed and what road your on...that was a good 5 years ago though, and for good reason it never became popular...

  3. no because all you gps does is send a signal from the gps unit to the satellite's and triangulates your position but the police cannot interfere with that signal the only people who can is the gps company and you but the gps company does not care how fast you are going.

  4. No...

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