
Can my Gecko eat Gutload food?

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Hi, i have a leopard gecko, for the last week or so ive been feeding him meal worms gut-loaded on Nature Zones "Total Bites". i usually put a "Bite" in a bowl with about 6 or 7 worms incase he does not eat the worms soon, the only thing that bothers me is he will eat most of the worms, then the Bite, then finish off the worms, its says on the packing that it is digestible for instects and herps, but im not sure if its healty for him!




  1. yes they can thats wat there supposed to do

  2. I would think it would be fine for the gecko to ingest a small amount of gutload...b/c if you think about it...the worms are ingesting the gutload and then the gecko is ingesting the i really don't think its a big problem. Just don't let him eat alot of it and keep the gutload in the tank to the smallest amount to be safe. But overall I think its fine!

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