
Can my baby prefer certain people?

by Guest67048  |  earlier

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yesterday my mom watched my almost 6 week old son.. and she said that he just wouldnt sleep for her and he was fussy when he was fed and all that.. but when i got home and she gave him to me and i sat down in the rocker.. he immediatly passed out.. so does he know that im his mom now and he prefers me over other people




  1. Yes, he sure can!  You two bonded when he was in your Womb, so especially when they are little they usually always prefer there Mother over someone else. And, as time progresses he will get used to his Grandmother/Grandfather/Aunts/Uncles/Ect...

    But- Then there may also come a time where he has a fear of what seems to be strangers, but it could just be a family member he doesn't see very often...My Daughter is 9 Months Old and she is VERY SHY, and she just got into the shy stage...She cries if someone is around her she is not familiar with.

    So, its just all part of the whole getting familiar situation. Some babies are extremely shy and only want to be with there Moms and Dads, and some babies are extremely outgoing, and it wouldn't matter who had them they would be fine with it.

    But, since he is just 6 weeks he is still wanting your comfort because it soothes and comforts him...He knows his Mommy, thats where he feels safest.

    Hope this helped and Good Luck- And also tell family member not to get discouraged if he acts differently with them and good with you. Its just when he gets out of his comfort zone he isn't comfortable, but as i mentioned in time he will come around.

    My God bless you and your son, and your family....

  2. Sure does. You carried him for 9 months and you two bonded. My son liked almost everyone, but he screamed bloody murder one time at a guy my husband worked with. They know who's right and not right. My son was right on the money, this guy was not all there. They are very smart for being so little. I'm sure with a little time and seeing your mom more he will get used to her and love being around her.  

  3. Of course children prefer certain people.  They are able to decide who makes them feel comfortable and who doesn't.  He knows that your mother isn't you.  YOU are his mother...that's not rocket science.

  4. yes he does its all to do with the scent , try leaving one of your  soft jumper or t shirt for him put it round him he may settle an sleep  

  5. yes my daughter knows... most ppl she will go with play with but my real mom (who met her once n has given me problems all my life) she screamed bloody murder.... kids know!

  6. YES.. He sure does (know that yr his mom!) its that bond you've created with him. From the time in yr womb til now. He knows your smell, yr touch and the sound of your voice! you make him feel secure! oh what a great feeling.  

  7. yes, at 6 weeks he has probably just bonded with you and your partner. your mom doesn't have your voice, touch, or smell- which are all soothing to him.  

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