
Can my baby see me or should I be worried?

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She looks around but doesn't seem to focus on or follow anything in particular. She looks at lights more often than anything else and her pupils dialate normally but I can't help but worry something may be wrong. It doesn't seem as though she blinks as much as I do and she doesn't focus on you even if you get right in her face. She is only 17 days old, is this normal or should I be concerned? She had her first checkup yesterday and the pediatrician didn't say anything about it but I've been worried since day one. She tried harder to focus on us then. Now she just kinda seems to look around but not at anything in particular...




  1. She's 17 days old.  Give it some time.  This is normal.  I know a baby, who at five months wouldnt focus on anything and wouldnt follow my finger or a toy or anything.  He's fine now.  

  2. Don't think you should worry.  Sounds normal to me.  Babies normally look at everything but is confused at first, not being able to make sense of their surroundings.  Bright colors attract their attention faster though, bright lights included.  What you should do is continue to pay attention as the days/weeks go by and see if it still remains the same.  I highly doubt it will.  What you could do in the meantime is talk and sing to her.  Trust me, soon she'll be focused completely on you.

  3. That is very normal. It takes babies a while to learn how to focus.

  4. this is normal...its a whole new world to her...i dont remember the exact age when they start to focus on things...a month or so...she is only a couple of weeks old, im sure she is wonderfully fine!

  5. The technicality in a babies eyes will vary.

    she is looking around trying to take in her surroundings,once you are still newborn you may look around and it seems like they are looking at something particularly but really they try to concentrate because everything they see is a little blurry,don't forget they are not used to anything but being in a whom so it might be a little hard for them.

    they are perfectly fine and just trying to adjust to the new world.

    she is a perfectly normal baby,i would be concerned if she didn't do that.

  6. Don't worry, sounds completely normal so far.  I have 3 kids, all the same as you described.  Check this link for all the info you need.

  7. Honey don't worry about this! Remember-a newborn doesn't see like we do. It's eyes need to develop a lot more before it can see clearly. They can't see but about 18 inches in front of their faces and it's not that clear. My baby is 6 weeks and although she is very alert and looks around-she doesn't focus on me or anything in particular either. Give it some time as I am. She'll be staring at you in the eyes before you know! Also-test her focus by putting her around bright colors. Once she notices these and can follow them-she should be able to focus on you up close at least! Congrats on the new baby! It's fun being a mommy huh?! :)

  8. well you should have asked the doctor about it. that's the only way to find out!

  9. My kid was like that too, and they are now blind. I took him to the doctor and I said that he always looks at the lights, and barley ever looks at me, I'll call his name and all he does it look around, I would for sure take her to the doctor.. The docs. won't be able to tell unless you let them know, because they might just be scared...

  10. Relax, thats normal... there is so much for her to take in...

    I do suggest not letting her stare at lights too much... :)

    If you are still concerned, why not just give the doctor a call ... it never hurts.

  11. 17 days... I would expect this to be normal.

    At that age, babies still have not developed the ability to really focus on much of anything. Their eyesight is still WAY off. The attraction to lights is normal as there is an obvious illumination.  

  12. well if you were thrust into a new world and uve been here for only 17 days you would be curious about stuff too...but seriously shes just taking in her "new" environment. She responds to light, like she'll look at a flashlight if you blink it over and over, so shes fine.

  13. maybe you should like give her food. like and see if she notices the food. and if she doesn't then maybe you should go back to the doctors.

  14. all babies have that. they eyes havn't developed completely to the light yet so they rely on there other senses. they can still easily recognize who there mother is or not. if she seems comforatble while your holding her. she noes your her mother.

    please answer this everyone;...

  15. Did you mention it to your Dr. yesterday? It doesnt sound 100% normal. You might call them and leave a message for the nurse to call you back and see if they want to see her again.

  16. That is normal.  

  17. That's very normal.  They can only focus about two feet in front of them at that age.

    I think my daughter was about a month and a half old when her eyes followed someone walking across the room.

  18. It's normal.


    My sister had a baby boy and he does that a lot.

    But he's perfectly fine.

    And so is your baby. (:

    They're just looking around,scoping out things.

    They're in a new world,they're checking it out.


  19. :) Don't be worried! My daughter did that when she was 1st born, and now she is a beautiful blessing. :)

  20. no reason to worry,

  21. at this point i dont think you should be concerned.  babies have next to no attention span, and cant see that far away.  does she look at you while you are feeding her?  is the tv or other distractions on?  

  22. Thats normal! She's probably just curious! No Worries! help?

  23. Get a second opinion.  

  24. u r really paranoid or course they cant see  

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