
Can my boss snoop through my desk?

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Can my boss snoop through my desk?




  1. Yes.  He/she can also snoop through your emails on your work computer.

  2. Your desk is property of your employer so I would imagine that your boss would be right in going through the desk.  I worked for a bank and my desk had a lock on two drawers.  Any personals and important, private information I locked in the drawers and I was the only key holder.  My manager would go through the desk if she were looking for something specific and I was gone for lunch or off that day.  You might want to check company policy before speaking up about it.

  3. DOes your boss OWN your desk:?

  4. No way, shape or form is this appropriate!

  5. He can but he shoudn't unless you have done something inappropriate in the past.. that makes him suspicious of you.. if he needs something he should ask you.. but nothing could stop your boss to look through your desk after you leave work.. he must have extra sets of keys to all the desks.. he is not allowed to look at your private things.  your handbag and personal things should be in a locker.. and if he looks in anyones desk after work hours nobody can stop him but this creates a bad work atmosphere because an employee should be able to respect and trust the boss but the boss should equally respect and trust his employers.. otherwise that's not a good place to work at.... xx

  6. If it's your bosses desk, that is, if it is the property of the company you work for, then yes, your boss can look through it.

  7. There's really not a whole lot you can do about it 1) unless you have a good union behind you or 2) are willing to quit your job.  What I'd do is plant a lot of stuff in my desk like quotes from the Bible that deal with integrity and lying and stealing and loving your neighbor.  :-)  He would only find encouraging uplifting material in my desk and I'd shame him into stopping if he has a conscience. (sorry, don't know the gender of your boss)

  8. Yes.  The desk belongs to the company, and the boss is your supervisor.  Just don't put anything in your desk that you wouldn't want your boss to find.  (Tampons and pads... OK.  You're a woman.  You need these things.)  It doesn't help build trust between the boss and the coworker though.  If you are concerned, politely tell your boss that someone noticed your boss looking for something on your desk.  Ask if they need help finding something.

  9. I'm not sure, but i believe so.  I know bosses are allowed to check e-mail/track internet stuff w/o telling employees.  I would check your HR policy, but I can't gaurantee they will actually say.  best idea is to use work materials for work ONLY.  If the only thing you have in your office/desk etc that isn't work related is extra shoes, a fresh pair of undies, deoderant (in case you're snowed in or soemthing), and your bagged lunch . . . you're probably good.

  10. personally I find it sooo annoying when my parents go through my room, and a desk should be no defferent. it's an invasion of space. But I do understand if they have good reason too.

  11. yes, considering that you are employee and as long as you supervisor has reasonable suspicion that you are hording contra band... they are well within their right... consult your employee handbook or guidelines for more information...

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