
Can my boyfriend be extradited from Colorado to Idaho for Misdemeanor?

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Okay, my boyfriend found out he has a misdemeanor in idaho and an FTA and lives in Colorado now, i was curious if Idaho will have him extradited for minor traffic violations? I really couldn't find a straight answer anywhere on the net so if someone can help me or has any insight on this subject i would really appreciate it. I think he has a charge of DWP (Driving without privelages). Please let me know, Thanks!




  1. Most likely they would not go to the expense of extraditing him for a minor charge, but if the charge is an outstanding traffic violation he could be denied a license in any state and it will eventually show up as derogatory information on his credit report.  The information age makes large national data bases very easy to set up.

  2. "cridler " said it best.

  3. no they will not, traffic offence FTA, are not worth their time. I sure dont know why some people have to put such j******f answers.

    Your boyfriend should contact the courthouse and find out what he should do.  Call from a payphone, dont give any residential addresses either ..just in case.

  4. Yes,

    but not likely...

  5. i bet they will have him extradited.  every one knows that idaho cops are always quick to prosecute.

  6. Depends on if he signed an extrodition waivor if he didn't he's very unlikely that they would pay to take him that far.

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