
Can my boyfriend overdose on unprescibed Methadone pills?

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My boyfriend doesnt have any pain and takes Methadones practically everyday [2 pills a day] for meer enjoyment. They give him the energy he craves and puts him in a better move.... hes been taking them for about 7 months. He started out getting "high" off of just one methadone pill and now months later he needs double the amount and has become greatly addicted. Will he eventually overdose? Is this hurting his body? What do i have to watch for?




  1. if they were prescribed I'd say yes he is in danger but since they are unprescribed it is as though he is doing nothing at all!

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  2. Yes

  3. Yes. Methadone has become a very common cause of overdose death. Actually its become the most common in my state recently. Addicts generally take more than they will admit to opiate addiction is the easiest to hide. Long term effect are pretty bad too. Do a little more reseach for his sake. A friend I know just got out of rehab for Methadone.

  4. He wont overdose on just 2 pills. but as you said, he started taking just 1, now it's 2, pretty soon it will be 3, then 5, and on, and on, until he is VERY addicted. Soon after that, all that will matter is him finding more pills to get his "high". If he has no will to stop NOW, it will only get worse. He will start mixing, and blending meds, to try to get a buzz, if there are no Methadone pills available. The mixing, and blending can/will lead to an ovedose. And if a supply of Methadone is available, it too can lead to an overdose. If he is not willing to stop using them, if I were you, I would watch for the first chance to get him out of my life. He is headed down a road, that is very selfish, and cares for nothing!! Not work, bills, friends, family, or you.

  5. Yes he can...eventually he will take more and more to get the same "high".  

  6. its not helping his body and soon enough when those pills dont give him a 'high' anymore he'll look for other drugs like oxy's or sometimes pill poppers go to heroin or cocaine to get the buzz back or they tend to mix all types of pills together or takes it with booze which can suggestion would be get rid of the pills or replace with another type (if he's not too bright) him closely to make sure he doesnt go into a downward spiral

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