
Can my buddy be charged with rape if there is no physical evidence?

by  |  earlier

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My buddy is being investigate for rape and there are only myspace messages and he said she said stuff is that enought to make a case?




  1. There's ALWAYS physical evidence, no matter how careful he's been.

  2. It depends what state you're in.  For example, in the state of Pennsylvania a person can be convicted for rape based on the testimony of the victim.  

    In most cases, as the other answerer said, there's some sort of physical evidence.  The evidence might be as finger-pointing as s***n, to something arguable like a scratch.  It's also going to depend what type of rape you're talking about.  Date rape is hard to prove, since it's very much a he-said/she-said situation.  The guy says she wanted it, the girl says she didn't, they each try to prove their side, etc.

    If he's denying sexual intercourse all together but she can provide some sort of evidence that they did have s*x (for example, if she could tell the court that he has a distinguishing birthmark on his genitals that she wouldn't have know of otherwise), that's convincing evidence.

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