
Can my car insurance be cancelled for a late payment?

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My car insurance payment is due the 9th of every month for $116. I am a little short on cash right now. I may not be able to pay it until like the 25th. Can they and will they cancel my policy for being late?

I am with Geico.




  1. there is no a easy solution for your question.however,it is not solvable is the good resource i have been referring.

  2. haha no.  should have not have gone wit gieco

  3. What state are you in?  If you are a day or two late, they will issue a cancellation notice, advising you in advance, the number of days your state requires.  It could be anywhere from 5 to 30, depending on your state.

    If you mail your payment in before the actual cancellation date, they might reinstate the policy - but once that cancellation notice is issued, they don't HAVE to.

    See, you are your own agent with Geico.  They'll do whatever the heck they want, and you are completely powerless to demand that they reinstate.  If you had an agent, they could make it happen.

  4. It's possible.  Usually, if you're late, they'll send a warning saying the policy will be cancelled as of midnight of XX/XX/XXXX date, unless payment is received before that time.

    Best way to know for sure is to call them and explain the situation.  They'll be able to tell you over the phone what date you'll lose the policy.

  5. sure, can the power compnay turn off the lights becuase you didnt pay your bill? better to pay a little then to pay nothing.

  6. Yes it can; however, it can be cancelled and reinstated even on the same day if you pay them. Also, carriers are required to report all lapses in excess of one day to GEICS. If you don't pay on time, be prepared to respond to a letter from the department of revenue in the state you reside in because you may be charged a fine for a lapse in coverage. Try to pay on time, put some other bill off so you can pay your insurance, you don't want to be reported to GEICS.

  7. No, they won't cancel your policy if this is your first month being behind. It's better to call them and let them know you'll be late. That way they'll have it documented and be expecting a late payment.

  8. Read your contract it will tell you exactly how many days you can be late.  Most companies give you 30 days grace and then will cancel but if you take the whole 30 days you must pay for the 2 months not just the late month.

  9. the best thing you can do is call the insurance and tell them your situation, but i think it wont be cancel

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