
Can my case be dismissed because of this?

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i got a ticket like 3 months ago for defective headlight and no insurance (i had/have insurance but didn't have the paper with me) i went to court and they are making me go to another court for the same thing because it wasn't solved. anyways my question has to deal with the whole ticket issue. i got some paper work in the mail from the court house and they said i was driving a honda accord when in actuality i was driving an acura. does that make the case still valid? or can it be dismissed because of the police's mistake?




  1. you must bring you insurance card to prove you were insured at the time you received the ticket, the headlight must be repaired with in 24 hours after you received the ticket. if you were driving without insurance when you were stopped, then you could get you licensed suspended or revoked plus a big fine.

  2. sometimes blatant clerical errors made by the police officer can get your case dismissed.  however, it isn't likely in this case as  you have two seperate offenses.  the headlight being out would be a fixit ticket.  meaning that you have a set amount of time to get the defective part fixed.  the second ticket was not for "no insurance", it would be for failure to show documentation.  simply go to the courthouse and show your insurance card.  it must show that you were insured on the day in question.  the case is still valid whether they made a mistake about your car's make or not...until it is heard by the judge and either ruled on or dismissed.

  3. Okay....Legal Secretary here. No it will not be nolle prosed (dropped) because of the po po's error. I've seen them make bigger mistakes that that. You can pay the headlight ticket over the counter and you should take you proof of insurance to the state's attorneys office to show them so they can at least nolle pros the the no insurance. Call your local clerks office to make sure that this is possible in your state before you make the trip. Thats how it works here.

  4. Cops don't get paid enough to be perfect all of the time.  That minor error on the ticket doesn't mean a thing.  As long as you had insurance at the time you were stopped and you got the headlight fixed, the judge will probably dismiss the charges.  But if you go in there trying to get it thrown out because the officer made an error, the judge may just take offense and fine you (the law states that you have to have proof of insurance and a safe vehicle when driving, so technically, you are guilty)

  5. No.  They still have your name and the plate on the car.  If your headlight is fixed and you had insurance, just not proof of insurance, this should have wrapped up by now.  

  6. If they got the license plate right, your stuck. Sorry.

  7. ***** YOU IZ GOIN TO JAIL.

  8. You'll probably pay for the broken headlight ticket.  That's not a big issue.  If you can show proof of insurance during the time of the stop, that ticket can be downgraded to failure to present documentation.

  9. All you have to do is show that you've replaced the headlight and prove that you were insured at the time and it will be dismissed. That mistake can help your case, but isn't really necessary.

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