
Can my cat be pregnant after being spayed?

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We knew our cat was in heat, and did everything we could to keep her in, the vet appt was a week away, well,,, she got out and we do believe that she mated. She was spayed about 4-6 weeks ago now but she has been getting pretty fat since then, so we are curious to know if they remain pregnant or if it terminates pregnancy once they are spayed.




  1. of course not.. she's getting fat because of the hormones of her body so dont worry.. my cat its also like this, and she is fat too but you have to get used to eat. make sure to have a healthy diet from the beginning, because mine just want to eat all the time..!!!!!

  2. No uterus = no kittens.Common sense. The cat cannot be pregnant,and if she was,the kittens were removed with the uterus.

  3. If she was spayed properly, it's not possible.

    Make sure her belly isn't swollen from something else (infection, tumor, excessive weight gain) just to be safe.

  4. Vets will perform the spays even when cats are pregnant, it just take a little longer for them to recuperate. I took one of my cats to be spayed and I told the vet I thought she might be pregnant, the vet felt her belly and said she did not think so, but turned out she was, and they proceeded with the spay aborting the kittens. Her belly was a little more swollen due to the pregnancy compared to my other cats who have been spayed and were not pregnant.Once a cat is put under and opened up there is no going back on the operation. She is probably swollen due to the aborting of the kittens. Your vet should have told you she was pregnant when you picked her up if she truly was. If you have concerns, call your vet and ask them if her swelling is normal        . You did the right thing no matter what others might say.

  5. If the cat is pregnant when the vet spays her he will also abort the babies. No she can't be pregnant she just getting he spay body LOL  They have a tendency to fatten up after they are spayed.

  6. Spaying terminates pregnancy, but she could be having a false pregnancy, this is more common in dogs than cats.  Or she may just be eating too much.

  7. as everyone else said: no uterus, so no babies...but her weight gain is due to her getting spayed. Im not sure why, but most cats tend to pick up some pounds after being spayed/nuerered.

  8. no and if she was when she got spayed it ended the pregnancy.....alot of animals start getting fatter when they are spayed or neutered

  9. Female cats often gain weight after they are spayed. Read the best answer here.

    Also, I looked up "cat gaining weight after spay" on google and found several other links. It's one of the few "cons" to spaying.

  10. no. shes probably just growing or getting fatter ahah. they will never have kitties  

  11. Spaying would definitely terminate the pregnancy.

  12. we'll its impossible that she could be because when they spayed her they would have found babies or the eggs. She is just getting fat because thats what happens to dogs and cats after they get spayed/or/neutored they get lazy and fat.

  13. If she was preggers when she went in to be spayed they terminated the pregnancy & spayed her....when animals are spayed their reproduction organs are removed so there is no chance she is preggers its not like w a human and they just tie the fallopian tubes, they remove pretty much all the organs so there isnt even a place for kittens to develope or eggs to be fertilized

  14. No chance.  They removed her uterus and ovaries.  Just cut back on her food a bit.

  15. Her female organs were removed during spaying so there is no way that she is pregnant. She may have slowed down some and is eating more, making her gain some weight. If she is getting too heavy, take her to the vet for a check up. She is not pregnant.

  16. No way she's just fat. Or she could have a large tumor or be infected. If your really that worried ask the Vet. And to answer your question when cats are spayed it terminates pregnancy if it was done properly. Hope it Helps!

  17. If she was pregnant she is not any more.  When you had her spayed they would have removed everything with her uterus.

    No worries, no babies.

  18. Simply no because there is no way to produce kittens.

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