
Can my cat drink toilet water?

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we leave the toilet seat up next to her food bowl for her and she drinks out of it which means we don't really give her water, is this ok? her drinking from the toilet no one uses it




  1. i  do not think it should be drinking that

    close the toilet sent

  2. You shouldn't let her do it or force her to. I don't think her drinking toilet water would harm her if she was only doing it once in a while, but she should be provided with fresh water and food and it should not be near the toilet or by her litter box. Would you eat a meal in the bathroom?

  3. would you drink water out of the toilet?  If not, don't let your cat do it.  please give your cat fresh water daily.

  4. i see nothing wrong with it.the water in the toilet is a lot colder than as you would have it in a dish    as long as it was flushed.

  5. no it has far to many chemicals how much they have filtered it out from the sewers etc, give her water from your kitchen tap.

  6. Well no not really as there can be a lot of bacteria down toilets! Also if you use a cleaning product (eg. Toilet cleaner) it might be harmfully to your cat!!!!

    Hope this helps :]


  7. just be sure to leave the seat down!

  8. not really you clean toilets with antibacterial substances and that can make your cat ill!     better to leave your cat a bowl of fresh water every day!    put the toilet cover down on the seat .....

  9. Surely you don't let her do it when the toilet has er, f***s and urine in there? I think it's fine.  

  10. if no one absolutly no one is using it or no cleaning supplies has gone in there then yes but don't let her l**k u. i wouldn't let her too often though because there's still bacteria in there. so try to put the seat down if u rember but if u don't u don't. don't stress. but make sure she still has reg. water. hope that helps.

  11. Gosh, she really has to work for what she needs, doesn't she?

    Cats need fresh water.  My kitties have a very large glass bowl - shaped like a pumpkin - I change the water about every other day or whenever I see food suspended in it.  (It is about 5 inches high and 6 inches in diameter).  I use glass/metal or ceramic dishes for feeding because cats can have an allergic reaction to plastic (cat acne).  And once a week I put it in the dishwasher but the food bowls are changed everyday.

    So let me see if I have this right - your kitty gets fed in an extra bathroom that you do not use and instead of enjoying a fresh bowl of water, from the sink that is in the bathroom, you just flush the toilet for fresh water?  Do you have the litter box in there too?

    Ok, while this is not completely harmless a custom, it just would be kinder to your kitty if she could depend on you for her healthy living - so my 2 cents would go toward giving her fresh water EVERY DAY along with fresh food every day.

    Remember the line in the Jurassic Park movie?  "Just because you CAN do a thing - does not mean that you SHOULD do a thing like that" and I think that line fits here.

    And besides........... your kitty already has her stuff in the bathroom; it would not be that hard to give her a bowl of fresh water and shut the toilet top.

  12. Although your toilet isn't used by humans, it still collects bacteria and parasites. When the toilet is cleaned, toxic chemicals are also deposited. Just give your cat a fresh bowl of tap water or reverse osmosis water once or twice a day. Also, the food bowl shouldn't be near the toilet. Can you move it into a hall or the kitchen?

  13. I don't think that's something I would want my cat trained to do, or forced to do. When she gets older and less agile, that will be a struggle for her. I give my cat fresh water in her dish every morning and every evening when I feed her.

  14. Better then no water,I wouldn't let her kiss me though.

  15. As long as you keep the toilet clean and do not have chemical cleaners in the tank, she'll be fine.  

    My boy cat does the same thing.  Kind of funny actually to see his hiney up in the air balancing so carefully.

  16. It's not a good idea. There's a lot of bacteria in toilet bowls that you don't want your cat to ingest, and if there's any trace of toilet cleaners that can be even worse. I suggest leaving the lid down all the time.

    You're cat needs a clean source of water. It's best to feed your cat either natural spring water or distilled water, because the water from your tap has metals and other contaminates that aren't good for kitty. Stainless steel or glass food/water bowls are the best choices. Cats have an excellent sense of smell, and since their noses are so close to their mouths, they work hand in hand. Often cat's don't like plastic because it makes their food/water smell like plastic (and they‘re also harder to keep clean, and bacteria will remain in the bowl). Also, if the bowl is too deep/narrow the cat may refuse to use it because their whiskers are very sensitive and they don't like them touching the side of the bowl.  

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