
Can my cat vote for Obama?

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My dad wants Obama to win the election so much, he told me to vote for him when he was having a senior moment and forgot that we're Canadian. Seriously though, I think the world will be better off when someone with a brain is president of the United States. Can I send my cat to pose as an American so he can vote? He is loud and overweight.




  1. What a waste of time to just insult Americans as being loud and overweight, eh?

  2. Why sure your cat can vote for obama.The dems always alow animals to vote.There is no end to what they accept.h**l even if you have a deceased cat in the back yard.Why even that furry feline can cast its vote as well.

  3. If your cat is a Democrat he can vote.  They even have dead people voting for them!

  4. I think in Illinois he can.

  5. idk. can my lamp vote?

  6. I didnt know that animals can vote in the states :P

    Who can vote in the US

    Anyone who is

        * 1) 18 years of age

        * 2) a citizen of the U.S. and meets the residency requirements of his or her state

    I dont believe cats have a citizenship.

  7. Your cat = a US Dem?

    Why not?

  8. he can in South carolina if he a dem. Honest we have some that been dead 20 years that vote every election.  about 35 or 40 got caught.  but ,bet they vote again this year.

  9. The fattest people are in Texas and their a red state - go figure.

  10. Meow that is ridiculous.

  11. Yes, if he is loud and overweight he will fit right in with the other Obama supporters.

  12. Pets and dead people vote democrat all across this country in every election.  

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