
Can my child be attentive but still have ADHD?

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He is nine and not long ago a child psycologist said that though he score highly for both hyperactivity and impulsivity he did not have ADHD because he could concentrate on things he is interested in. He is bright, enthusiastic and has many interests, though frustration gets the better of him and often hinders his enjoyment of things.




  1. No. If a child psychologist didn't diagnose him with it then he probably does not have it. You could always get a second opinion to be sure. I have one brother with ADHD and he has it. He has been on medication for the past 2 years and what a difference it has made. I cannot believe to explain it here. I am dyslexic as are my parents and my other brother. We have learned to deal with it. It is painful though I will say. It makes me angry when others downplay it or make fun of it because they have no idea what it's like. It sounds like your son is normal and I'm sure as he matures, things will improve in terms of his ability to concentrate.

  2. I would get a second opinion if that's what the doctor said. It isn't uncommon for kids with attention deficit disorders to be able to focus on particular activities, particularly ones that are a)novel and b)provide constant feedback. (Video games, for instance, tend to be hugely popular because it changes constantly and reacts to everything you do or don't do.)

  3. Doctors can be such jerks.  My daughter has ADHD and she can stay focused on a single task for a long time because she is extremely interested in it (not obsessed). Get a second opinion.

  4. Every child gets frustrated sometimes, some more than others.

    This can be part of his personality; he may not be able to express himself verbally as well as he'd like, or he is simply impatient.

    These are all character traits that children out grow when they are taught to master the art of self control by their parents.

    ADHD is often a catch all for normal behavior that annoys adults because it is difficult to have a bright, an active child; it takes a lot of energy to handle. and direct these children.

    I guess it bothers me when it is so overused, because there are people who really suffer from conditions that makes functioning challenging every day.

    There is another school of thought regarding ADHD go to

  5. Yes, children with ADHD are known to hyper focus on things which interest them greatly.  It would be good to get a second opinion and when you do ask about hyperf ocusing.

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