
Can my child fly on an airoplane while wearing a half cast she has abent bone in her arm?

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Can my child fly on an airoplane while wearing a half cast she has abent bone in her arm?




  1. I've flown in a cast so I dont see why not. Probably best to check with the airline concerned though

  2. I'm a former Flight Attendant and I can assure you that people with all sorts of disabilities fly. A broken arm is actually pretty minor on the list of what we could carry. People return pretty soon after injuries suffered on vacation. We had people in the last stages of cancer, AIDS and one woman was even unconscience. The airlines can handle it!

    You may want to discuss this with the doctor and ask if you should bring a note. I honestly don't think you need one but it wouldn't hurt to have him or her scribble something down on his/her stationary.

    My only recommendation is to be careful about swelling. The cabin is pressurized to 10,000ft (3000m) which is pretty high so that can make it worse. Have her stay away from carbonated beverages, like coke and lemon lime drinks. Have her drink plenty of water (funny how drinking minimizes swelling) and perhaps bring along a mild pain killer, per the doctor's instructions.

    Some passengers complained of itching more on aircraft, which might have been because of swelling.

    Otherwise, it shouldn't be a problem. Get to the airport in plenty of time and give yourselves a bit of extra time to get through security (since you'll probably have to help her putting her things on the belt and perhaps taking on and off her shoes.

    I wrote a totally non-commercial article on the subject of flying with children, with a section on handicapped (which, I don't even think applies in her case). I go into more detail on all aspects of flying, based on both my professional and practical experience flying transatlantics with my three children.

    Feel free to visit;

    Have a good flight!

  3. Yes. She won't explode under low pressure, and I assume she isn't in a wheelchair...

  4. Yes, she might have slight swelling thats about it....

  5. My daughter broke a bone in her arm a week before we were due to fly long haul. I asked her doctor if she could fly and he said no problem. I think you should just check with the child's doctor for the all clear before you fly. Good luck.

  6. Absolutely yes.

  7. Yes of course. you can fly even if your in a wheelchair.

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