
Can my company do this??

by  |  earlier

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I have been working for my company for over 3 years and just got to the point this year where I have 12 vacation days. Well, in June, the company decided that on July 1, our vacation days will start over and must last until the NEXT July (so they changed it from calendar year tracking to fiscal year). Then they took away my comp time that I've built up just because my boss wanted to. It's unfair because during the first half of the year they told us we couldn't use vacation time until it accumulated, then they take it away!




  1. No, they can't make retroactive deductions from your banked time.  It's part of your employment contract.  They may be able to pay you out for that time, but a decent company will grandfather you and let you take the time just as the policy had been previously.

    You didn't mention which country you're in, but you can file a grievance with whatever employment standards body exists wherever you are.

  2. I'm assuming you're not unionized, which would therefore negate any possibility of the grievance process.  Lacking that option. do you have an employment contract, any written agreements specifying your fringe benefits, or are you an employee at will??

    If it's the later, sorry, but your only options are to seek some sort of what's called a restoration of your benefits promised (in the union, the term is to be made whole); or seek alternative employment.

    The company owes you nothing without a written agreement.  Your employment can be terminated at any time with or without cause.  You lack collective bargaining & a grievance process.

    I wish there was something I could write to help you.

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