
Can my company do this to it's employees?

by  |  earlier

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I have been working for my company for over 3 years and just got to the point this year where I have 12 vacation days. Well, in June, the company decided that on July 1, our vacation days will start over and must last until the NEXT July (so they changed it from calendar year tracking to fiscal year). Then they took away my comp time that I've built up just because my boss wanted to. It's unfair because during the first half of the year they told us we couldn't use vacation time until it accumulated, then they take it away!




  1. Now you know why unions exist, good luck.

  2. Unfortunately the company can do that. While the law on this may vary from state to state, my family business did this in the opposite way your company did. We went from fiscal year to actually counting time employed based on the hire date last year.  It worked in favor of most of the employees, but i think it is possible to also go the other way (from hire date to fiscal year.) I'm in Michigan btw.

  3. ~~I would definitely check this out with your labor board. Vacation time is really part of you benefits and usually time accumulated must be paid if you  leave the employment (unlike sick days). I don't know your state's labor laws but you could be protected from this. Hope so, good luck!~~

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