
Can my computer be access thru hotel's wireless network?

by  |  earlier

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If I bring my laptop on vacation to a hotel with wireless access, can people in nearby rooms access my compter files? There are no encripted files.




  1. Only if you computer is set up as a share computer.  However, make sure you turn off your wireless signal after finish using your computer. .

    There are many other ways, but for a hacker to be near by and want some of your data, is far fetch.

  2. Make sure your firewall is fully on with no exceptions set. This will block hackers. Be very careful using the connection if it is not encrypted, as any local machine can watch all your transmissions, this can make any clear text user names and passwords, emails and sites visited (including banking addresses) public.

  3. They can only get into your computer files if your have turned the share option on.

  4. Yes they can if you don't use Wireless encryption which should be part of your wireless set up and if you allow sharing.

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