
Can my computer be hacked AFTER I disconnect from an unsecured wireless connection?

by  |  earlier

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If I'm using an unsecured wireless connection,would it be possible for someone to hack into my computer after I've disconnected (because they might have my IP address, etc). Or, once I'm disconnected should I just stop worrying?


Is it possible for them to have set up some kind of remote hacking program that would have taken my information even without them being present or using the signal themselves? Sorry if these questions seem uninformed; I don't know much about this. I'm just worried about my computer getting hacked.




  1. once you disconnect from the network your pc looses its ip address and you cant be hacked, you can only be hacked while you are connected to the internet, you are more likely to get hacked from the internet rather from the unsecured network so just make sure you have a firewall up and you will be fine

  2. it cant be hacked after u disconnected, u dont have to be worried,

    ok yes they can set up some  kind of remote hacking program that would have taken your information.

  3. It's impossible to be hacked once you are disconnected form the net.  If your using someone else's WIFI or similar then don't be surprised if you do get hacked once online, stop stealing someone elses connection and buy your own SECURE wireless internet connection.

    It is possible for someone to setup a remote hacking program but very unlikely they would bother as im guessing,  the fruits of their labour wouldnt surmount to much.  If it would i'm sure you would have your very own secure connection!

    Don't worry so much, as long as you have a good security package you'll be pretty safe

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