
Can my computer interfere with my cell phone?

by  |  earlier

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My phone used to work perfectly well; I could send and receive text messages quickly. I recently got a new HP laptop, and I have wireless internet. Ever since I started using it, my phone is kind of crappy. It takes forever to send messages, if it even sends them at all. And I don't receive texts until like an hour after my friends send them to me. Also, my phone fails at making calls.

All of this happens when I'm at home.

I have a samsung blackjack from AT&T, just in case you're wondering.




  1. The Blackjack is a great phone, is it the original or the Blackjack II?

    If it is the original blackjack, it could be coincidence and you could have too much memory... that will slow your phone down quite a bit without a micro SD card.

    It is possible that it's your computer, if the frequencies are close I have heard of this before. I had one lady who dropped calls every time someone used her garage door opener. Problems like this are rare though, in my six years of selling phones, I have run into it twice.

    If the problem is your computer, then your phone should work normally away from your home. Does it? If it does, then just call customer care, and they will be able to reprogram the frequency you are using.

    word to the wise.... sometimes when this is done (reprogramming) you will lose any voicemails you have stored, not always,but to safeguard  yourself you may want to make sure you write down anything important that you have saved in your voice mailbox.

  2. NO but ur cell phone can interfere with ur cell phone (but only if u have the I-PHONE) and occasionally some normal cells.

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