
Can my cousins kids count as my nieces/nephews?

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well my cousin and i are real close and she's pregnant, and i was thinking, can i consider her baby girl my niece?

if not, then what are they considered?




  1. No.

    You can be a god-mother or something. Otherwise you're just a cousin to the newborn as well.  

  2. if they r ur cousins kids then that makes them like ur 2nd cousins

  3. they would be your 2nd cousin.but most important they are family.and that is the most important think in the world.i love my family.

  4. The baby girl will actually be your 2nd cousin, but I don't see any harm in you being an unofficial aunt. I'm consider a couple of my cousins like siblings and can't help but think of them as being aunt and uncle whenever I have kids.

  5. no they will be considered your 2nd cousins..

  6. Yep, 2nd cousin. However, you don't have to be an aunt to be an aunt, if you get what i'm saying. You can be the equivalent without actually being one.

  7. sure

    2nd niece

    lol im not sure

  8. you can consider them anything you want.

    but they are your cousins. 2nd i think.

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