
Can my dad do this to me ?

by  |  earlier

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so i was making spaghetti for my family

and then while i was washing the dishes my dad came home

and said " wash this " he actually threw the container at me

i was like your not suppose to do that to me

and he said yes i can cause im your dad

was that right ?




  1. maybeee my dad does that a lot but he's always playing

  2. No according the the rule book, any time he throws anything at you; legally your allowed to call the police. Keep a record of his abusive behavior in a log book. Even the police have to enforce the Parenthood Rule Book.

  3. If he wasn't trying to be abusive then yes

  4. Are you paying rent?  Probably not.  Yes, you have to do what your dad tells within reason, although, your dad could have been nicer and said sorry, but I have to add this dish to the dishes your washing.  I'm sure with that approach you would not have asked this question.

  5. unfortunately it was unless it was like beating you then he can do it

  6. i agree with bill at msn this is child abuse

  7. He is working his butt off to support you.  Respect that fact you are not living in a foster house nor on the street.  If he had a bad day, just be understanding.  In the future, your husband will have days like this and the last thing he will want to hear is you complaining about your feelings.  Time to become a woman and not a girl.

  8. um idk about that one..he can do it but it's not right!! If he gets out of had the only thing i can suggest is talk to your counselor at school

  9. He was probably just messing around, like tossing it at you.

    Now if he chucked it at your head, then that would be wrong. Otherwise, it's not that big of a deal.

  10. he should not throw things at anyone!

  11. Ummmmm...he is your dad. And sometimes fathers (or parents) can be over-bearing...but yes...they can boss you around.



  12. He should've asked you if you could wash it and give you the container. Doesn't matter who it was and who to, no one should treat another human being like that.

  13. Yep, he can.  Your just gonna have to swallow that one and deal.  besides you should do it just because your there and its your dad.

  14. No he cant do it, morally it is wrong to disrespect and hurt anyone emotionally or mentally. If your father or anyone else continues to make you feel hurt emotionally, devalued etc you do have recourse.

    In some areas it is recognized by the police etc as abuse. Abuse isnt just physical or sexual.

    You can talk to your school counselor or pastor or your doctor and tell them how you feel and request family counseling to address these issues.

    Self esteem is critical to healthy development and being disrespected by your family, having to listen to insults, put downs, name calling, etc can undermine self esteem.

    It can have negative impact on your whole life, From now until forever so if you are feeling unloved and unwanted, hurt, etc do talk to someone about it.

    Emotional abuse IS abuse and its much harder to heal from it then it is from physical abuse.  A broken arm heals, but emotional abuse leaves scars that last forever.  

  15. He can do that to you. But next time, you just pick the container right back up and throw it farther.

  16. no!

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