
Can my daughter date?

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my child really likes boys and wants to date how old should she be shes 11 going in sixth grade




  1. wait til 12...

  2. Would you like to be a grandmother? I suggest allowing supervised group dates at her age. When I was in 6th grade, the only girls who dated were the ones who ended up in Trouble (if you catch my drift).

    Girls these days are too focused on boys and s*x. They get told constantly that they should have a boyfriend and do stuff beyond their maturity level. Be open with your daughter and explain to her why you won't let her date yet, and trust me - she will thank you later on when she's not pregnant at 14 or possibly infected with an STD.

  3. 16 and in a group

  4. theres no point at that young of age

  5. Oh my god, don't you think she's way too young ... Kids these days trying to mature too fast. I have a daughter same age , she also likes boys , but I'm telling her that she needs to concentrate on her studies, she can date boys when she's more mature and educated.

  6. Unless you want to drive her all over, I would wait.

  7. I think that she should be able to date. She probably isn't that mature yet but let her do what she wants.

  8. nothing bad will happen when she is 11 so I would say she is old enough just make the the rules clear!

  9. why not wait until oh say 16.

    if you really want to push this issue you can try 14 but what the heck does she need to "date" for. The definition of dating is -- looking for a mate or to put in more crudely mating

    do you really think an 11 year old needs to be put in that pressure?

    Since she really likes boys ... you may be a grandparent before you want to ....

  10. 16

  11. well going on dates i think that she should be a little older.

    im 15 and i really wanted to go on a date with a boy when i was 12 and he was 13 but my mom wouldnt let me. I think its better to wait untill 13 or 14 because then he can pay and the experience is better and its more exciting.

    But as for boyfriend girlfriend stuff its all harmless i had my first "boyfriend" in 4rth grade and i never had an actual relationship untill i was 15 so now really.

    I know it sounds weird coming from a child but i think that i could best understand what is going on in kids my age and younger.

    good luck.

  12. thats way to going to 7th grade in the fall and you should hear about what half the talk about. they also try to touch girls. from personal experiences: i was in 4th period one day and this boy tried to pull down my shirt and see my bra. And he tried to smack my butt. it was so nasty. WAIT UNTILL FRESHMEN YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL.

  13. my parents didnt let me start dateing tell I was 15 almost 16. I have a 8 month old daughter an I can't even think about her dateing boys when she 11.

  14. i know i had a "date" in 6th grade, but it was nothing more than a movie. i would say 8th grade would be a good time to start. any younger and it's like what's the use.

  15. Um she's 11, and from experience, i think she should start dating around 16 or so, cause the school work and grades are going to go downhill if she concentrates more on boys than school work

  16. No way, not until 14.

  17. Date like bf/gf should wait until she's 14 or 15. I personally wouldn't let my child (no matter the s*x) go on a 'date' until s/he is 14, and that would have to be a group date... I wouldn't let them go on dates alone until 16. I don't think 10-13 year olds should be allowed to go places unsupervised, it's just not safe, at 14 I would be pretty confident that they would know how to act without adults there-- but I wouldn't want them to be alone, or with one other person, 3 or more would be fine.

  18. Eh? In my opinion it it too young, but it is YOUR decision I don't know your daughter and how mature she acts but if YOU feel like she is ready then it is fine. Don't base your decision on what other people think that don't even know your daughter, base it on how you feel and past experinces. Are you comfertable with it? If so then ok. ^_^

  19. well it depends on what you mean by "date". going to the movies with a group of kids and holding hands should be fine.

  20. thats too young.

  21. I think dates at that age are too young.  I would encourage get togethers in your home with a group of kids to watch a movie.  Or get a group of their friends to meet at a park to play tennis, soccer or flag football.  Something more along the group lines where they can be together but in a group.  During the school year, they can go to school dances or school activities with either you as a chaperon or the boy´s family.
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