
Can my divorce lawyer force my ex-husband to provide her a copy of his prenuptial agreement with his new wife?

by  |  earlier

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He wants to pay only very little support money and is hiding all his assets and trying to prove to the court that he is very poor. He has disclosed all of his assets in his prenuptial agreement. If my lawyer gets a copy of it, she can prove to the court that he is lying and is hiding his assets. Is this possible?




  1. All she can do is petition the court to have him produce it to the judge only, not her or you.  The judge would then know if he is guilty of perjury in your divorce.

  2. A lawyer has no authority to make a person do anything.  If your lawyer wants it badly enough she'll have to convince a judge that it's relevant to your case.  If the judge agrees, he/she will issue an order to give it up.  If not, you & your lawyer are out of luck.

  3. another money grubbing ex wife!

  4. No... they don't have any legal right to their legal documents. Why don't you ask your ex's wife's social security card and birth certificate while you're at it.

  5. Wow... milk him dry....  take everything he has got.

    You have no legal right to the details of your ex-husbands pre nuptial.

  6. Can my divorce lawyer force my ex-husband to provide her a copy of his prenuptial agreement with his new wife?

    No, your divorce lawyer cannot do that.  Only a judge has the power to order such a thing.

    He wants to pay only very little support money and is hiding all his assets and trying to prove to the court that he is very poor.

    I have yet to talk to a man, regardless of wealth, who has had to go through the courts over a child support issue and came out of it all paying very little support money.  The courts are hardly fair in these instances and most men get raked over the coals.  Do you even understand the purpose of child support?  It isn't so you can get as much money out of your ex as possible.  It is to ensure that the child receives at least the basic level of care needed to survive.  Even if your husband was only reporting that he earned minimum wage, he would still be ordered to pay enough to see that the child had it's needs met.  In my honest opinion, it sounds as if he would have been better off if he never met you.  In case you are wondering, no I have never been ordered to pay child support.  I am just sick of seeing greedy ex wives using their children to ruin there ex husbands lives.  

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