
Can my employer change my shift back after they help change it with a colleague then they cancelled?

by  |  earlier

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I swapped a three hour shift with a colleague who agreed in front of myself and the manager, then i come 2 work 2 days later 2 b told they have cancelled and I have 2 do my normal shift, which has messed up all my planning and depoist for a resturant, is there anything i can do?




  1. Kirsty, unfortunately, your employer can do whatever he/she wants regarding your shift work, unless you have a very specific contract.  I feel bad for you and the only thing you can do is look for another job (before you quit)  ;-)

  2. Yes, you can quit.

    Seriously, you work at the pleasure of your company. They may change your schedule for any, or no, reason.


  3. so she is doing the shift she was originally going to do before she swapped with you?

    Thats a hard one because I guess she can do that because she was swapping out of courtesy and you were both contracted to do the original shifts. If she cancels the swap, shes in the wrong, not your boss, as he'd tried to help by letting you swap.

    Nothing you can do I'm afraid. Except next time she asks you for a swap, tell her to kiss your ***.

  4. Your employer can change your shift whenever they feel like it. But you should explain you paid a deposit and ask them to refund you the deposit.  

  5. I expect you are in retail, and it's non union, so the management can do and act as they wish. Bunch of tow-rags!

  6. Nope, nothing you can do unless your manager wants to let you switch with another.  


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