
Can my employer refuse me holiday on these grounds?

by  |  earlier

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Ive been refused holiday which i have tried to book for next month. When I asked my manager why i was not allowed to take it he told me that i was because of an overtime ban, which meant he would not be able to get anyone to cover my shift.

I was just wondering if he is allowed to do this from a legal point of view? Surely he cant refuse my holiday on these grounds??

I work for a large firm (if you do any DIY you have probably shopped there before). There are lots of staff employed at the store i work in.




  1. Sorry but as an ex employer we can only give you your holiday if there is someone to cover for you. You are entitled to holidays but not always when you want them. Just think if you worked in a small business with say 5 other people and they all wanted the same time off, what would happen to the business.

    I think you will find this is perfectly legal.

  2. no he cant he is out of order if it was someone was already of then yes he could  but to say its due to overtime is wrong ask him again if he refuses ask for it in writing then go to your personel and put in a complaint or go to a higher level if you dont have personel he cant refuse holiday only other thing is you dont say how long you have worked there if it is over six months then again it is unreasonable

  3. Well it depends on your contract of employment..  If you abide by the rules, then no they can't deny a reasonable request for leave..

  4. If it's in a contract that your that your entitled to a holiday, then he has to give it too you. Why should you suffer because can't get someone to cover your shift. Tell them to hire more people that's not your problem.

  5. Go and talk to your union rep

  6. Ask if your cousin or sibling can cover your shift while you go on vacation?

  7. Possibly....look at your union manual if you have one and talk to you HR director

  8. As long as your employer gives you your full entitlement of holiday for the year, the time it is taken is at their discretion, so there is nothing legally yo can do.

    You could try going over the managers head and speak to somebody higher up the chain/

  9. You have a legal entitlement to holiday, so no, he can't.

    Threaten him with a tribunal.

  10. im not sure but i think you are alowed anything up to you payed leave time

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