I have to report to jury duty in a county that doesn't have the night before call in system, so I have to show up to the courthouse in the morning regardless of whether I will be selected or immediately sent home. Because of this, my employer wants me to come into work if I don't serve on a jury.
I start working 6pm-6am shifts in a few weeks when my jury duty starts, and if I get out of the courthouse before 1pm they expect me to be at work the same night. This creates some problems for me, mainly due to lack of sleep.
My QUESTION is, if I got dismissed from court early but told my employer I was there until 1pm, could they easily find out if I was lying? I'm sure they COULD find out, but I don't know if that's something that is usually done. If I requested some kind of proof of jury duty to show them, would it detail how long I was at the courthouse or just that I was there that day? My employer hasn't asked for any proof of jury service at this time.
Thanks from KV