
Can my endocrinologist prescribe Clomid for me?

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I am ttc for about 2 years now, for over 3 months I have been taking metformin for pcos. I am wanting to start clomid to see if it can help. Do I have to see a specialist or can he do it for me? I am 25 years old & happily married for 6 years and have a 2 year old.




  1. My reproductive endocrinologist is prescribing me Femara and if that doesn't work (hope it will :D) is going to prescribe me Clomid.  If your doctor could prescribe you metformin I would think they could.  I would just ask about it though.  Your doctor has probably been asked everything, so this shouldn't be a hard question for them to answer.  Good Luck!!! Baby Dust to you!!!  :o)

  2. You really should see a reproductive endo. Your current endo is not equipped to test you for other fertility issues. Clomid only treats annovulation- nothing else, and there's no way for you to know if that's your problem without seeing a RE.

  3. It doesn't hurt to ask but I think you'll have to see an OB for that.  

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