
Can my ex-s mom tell me what to do?

by  |  earlier

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My ex and I have a child we are not married. I just got done filling a paternity establishment form. If the test comes back proving that i am the father of my ex's child, can her mom legally tell me what i can and cannot do with my could be child




  1. wateva the situation, if the child is yours, the best thing for u is to make sure u do everything u can to provide the child with the love and happiness he/she deserves, in the role of a father it is your duty to make that happen children are precious and the most important thing parents these days need to no is; it is your job to teach them right from wrong, your ex's mom cant tell u wat to, NEVER. if u are doin the right thing then you shouldnt let her worry u. Try hard not to fight with ur ex and come mutual agreements kids cant be brought up in a negitive environment there future depends on you!!!

  2. No, not legally.  But in practical experience, it depends on how close your ex is to her mom and how much she listens to her.  If she doesn't live with her mom, and you two can talk things over and agree together, then it's cool.  But if she lives with her mom and her mom's taking care of both her and the baby, then grandma's ruling the roost.

  3. Absolutely not. The grandparents, regardless of the situation, have no say in the childs life unless a parent dies and leaves the child to the grandparents. If her mother starts trying to boss you around and tell you what you can or cannot do with your old child tell her to shove it, it's none of her business. She'll get offended but she can't do c**p about it.  

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