
Can my females temp go up and down the day before she delivers?

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I took her temp twice daily for the past 6 days. Her temp was always between 100.1-102 Today I took her temp and it was 99.2 I just took it again and it was 100.4? She doesnt have any discharge yet... Is it likely she will go into labor in the next 36 hours?




  1. Stop bugging this poor dog.There are lots of signs besides temp.Is she restless?Is she nesting,that means trying to find a place away from it all .Do you have a whelping box set up for her?Some times when a dog is ready to whelp she will go hide so its important you have a safe place set up for her,away from house noise and traffic. Some times in a young dog she will ask to go out side thinking she has to go potty-go with her,watch make sure a puppy don't pop out,if it does stay calm bring her and the pup in give her the pup,let her clean it get her to her box some times they come one right after the other some times it takes some time in between. Its a full moon right now so the next 3 days should see you with puppies.Have the phone number of an emergency vet handy just in case there is a problem.Make sure you have lots of clean newspaper or rags or what every kind of bedding you have her on soon as she is done all bloody bedding is to be removed.Don't let friends come look at her or the pups for a while until she is comfortable with there visits.It will probely happen in the wee hours of the morning.Please make sure any one comeing into your house sprays the bottom of there shoes with a 50 mix of bleach & water,keep this at your front door,spray ever time you enter your home.When its time to place the puppies in there new home make sure you spray every person who comes to that house.If they say I just lost my dog to parvo DO NOT LET them near your litter,if they say there dog died but they don't know why=do not let them in your home.Enjoy the wonders you are about to behold.Tilks Mom

  2. Yes, it's normal.

  3. Shouldnt you know this before ever breeding your dog?

    How far along is she? Yes its normal for temp to drop before giving birth. Before it drops and stays, the temp wil change quite drastically. I would call your vet and have him/her on standby. Set aside your plans and watch for changes in the *****'s behavior like nesting and panting.

    ~Prya's Riot

  4. it will fluctuate it seems to happen usually with first litters if this is a firsty. I think that if the dog is at 63 days or over thats a pretty good sign shes getting ready. Just keep taking it and have a good eye on her tonight  and the next day for sure. Some dogs don't discharge till the first pup is almost on its way out. I had a female foster that her temp didn't rise or fall, and I was taking her for a small walk, we got to a tree she sat down and popped out a puppy right there. I carried her home for the rest.  

  5. Yes their temp will vary but if it goes below 100 at any point you need to be watching her very closely and should expect pups in the next 12 hours or so.  

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