We have a small fish tank. We got four little fish for it. All but one have died. The last one is a Neon Tetra. He's kinda swimming sideways a little bit and his color doesn't look good.
The fish were my hubby's deal. he wanted a BIG tank. I told him that I didn't think he could care for it. So we got a small one so he could prove to me he could do it. (I know sounds like a kid, but he is REALLY lazy).
I really know nothing about fish. I have no interest, but I don't want this last guy to die. The tank has lots of junk in it... on the glass. Will one of those algae eater fish do the trick? Or do we just have to get a sponge and wipe it off?
Does adding fresh water help?
Ugh... I don't have a clue how to take care of fish.. and clearly, neither does he!