
Can my fish be saved?

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We have a small fish tank. We got four little fish for it. All but one have died. The last one is a Neon Tetra. He's kinda swimming sideways a little bit and his color doesn't look good.

The fish were my hubby's deal. he wanted a BIG tank. I told him that I didn't think he could care for it. So we got a small one so he could prove to me he could do it. (I know sounds like a kid, but he is REALLY lazy).

I really know nothing about fish. I have no interest, but I don't want this last guy to die. The tank has lots of junk in it... on the glass. Will one of those algae eater fish do the trick? Or do we just have to get a sponge and wipe it off?

Does adding fresh water help?

Ugh... I don't have a clue how to take care of fish.. and clearly, neither does he!




  1. ok the fesh water has clornie in it and they can not be in it u have to let the water evorte the clorie it takes 2 days to do that and u need a bigger tank so they can have freedom and u need a fiter

  2. first off what size tank is it and how long has it been setup

    second where do you come off trying to be his mother and him allowing you to treat him this way for your information the larger the tank the easier it is to take care of it

    it could be that the fish have all died because neither of you asked about things like cycling the tank

    I would like to give you one word of advice if you don't want to end up divoriced stop treating your husband like a child he is going to get tiried of it and leave you if you keep it up

    as far as the tank and the fish have your husband contact me and I will

    do everything I can to teach him how to care for a tank

    I would give you the info but like you said you aren't interested anyway  

    edit I don't care about your life situations I think it is wrong of one spouce to dispespect and insult the other in frount of strangers or anyone else and if you don't get that then you will end up divoriced when he gets tieied of being put down

  3. Take him out of the tank and put him in a bowl with fresh water. and then clean the tank and get a water filter if you don't have one . if you do you need to change the filter. an algae eater will help a little but its also up to you. make sure you wash the rocks to and all the plants or else the algae will just come back right away.  

  4. If he won't take care of the aquarium and  fish, and you aren't interested in it, then advertise it for sale or free and let the new owners worry about the fish.  

    But, to answer your question, a plecostomus will eventually get rid of the algae, but then you still have to think about keeping the tank maintained.  That involves weekly partial water changes and cleaning (syphoning gunk off the bottom).  Most tropical fish, including the algae eaters, need water temps in the mid-70's.  pH and other factors must be checked regularly.  You need to know the signs and symptoms of disease.  

    I'm not trying to discourage y'all from keeping fish, just encouraging you to know how if you do plan on keeping them.



    Look at this site there is a lot of information for beginners. Rule of thumb 1 inch of fish per gallon. Neon's are not too good as far as living a long time, you will very rarely get one that lives for a long time. I have had a 2 gallon, 5 gallon, 10 gallon and a 35 gallon. And I know it may sound hard to understand but the 10 gallon was the easiest to take care of. It was the perfect size for an algae eater and community fish. It is too late for you tank, you will end up spending more money on saving the fish then you did when you bought them.

    If you are wanting to keep the small tank this is what you need to do:

    Get spring water from the grocery store (enough to fill the tank)

    Make sure that you have a filter for the tank

    Let the tank run for 1 week without any fish so that you can have good bactera

    Then buy 2 tiger barb fish. They are hardy fish, though they are not "Community" fish they will last. Since your tank is not big enough for a algea fish, do a partial change every 2 weeks. To do a partial change keep the fish in the tank but get 1 gallon of spring water; get a clean mug and scoop out enough water to replenish it with the new gallon. Then use a rag, that is clean not one that has been bleached and wipe the sides of the tank to remove the algea. Don't forget that algea need light to grow, keep the tank away from windows.

    Good Luck and feel free to contact me if you have anymore questions

  6. Make sure your "fresh" water idea does not consist of tap water as the chlorine in tap water could kill the remaining tetra. You will need to treat the water first so that it is safe.

    Yes, get a bottom feeder like a plika fish.  Just ask your local pet store and they will be happy to let you know what to do next.  

  7. Neon Tetras are a shoaling/schooling species of fish and require to live in numbers as well as thrive.

    The smallest tank is usually the killer as well as poor fish keeping. When I read small, the smallest tank would be at least 5+ gallons and up. Anything smaller is considered tiny and cannot secure a heater and a filter which any fish that is not a goldfish would need.

    Neon Tetras when in very small aquariums, colors will fade to a dull, and its body will shrink and pretty much look like a anorexic person. At this point slim chance the fish would be able to become healthy again.. Sorry to say.

    You could buy some bloodworms and try and plump him up to full health.

    As for junk, p**p, rotting food. Purchase a siphon and do a 25% water change. Siphon around the substrate/gravel and change only 25% water. Algae on the glass, seeing your aquarium is small, get a otoclinuis. Plecos/golden algae eaters are a no no.

    Or you can use a sponge you know hasn't touched soap and sponge away.

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