
Can my friend get a medical discharge?

by  |  earlier

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my friend was wounded in iraq. truck hit an ied. it hurt his back. so now he can't wear his gear for long before he gets bad back pains, he has trouble sleeping due to the pain and also can't do pt without hurting. what do you guys think?




  1. Sounds like a " slacker " to me. If he was wounded, then that means that he was seen by Doctors ! I'll just bet, that if he was medically discharged, WITH benefits, he wouldn't have any trouble at all going  skiing, hunting,dancing, etc., etc. ! He has the option of going back to the doctor for more tests, ( MRI, etc. ). Send me a pic. of him; I'll bet he is OVERWEIGHT !  

  2. Tell him to go see a military doctor and to explain these things to them. They will be the ones who decide what he can and can not do..

  3. he very well could get a med discharge. If he cant wear his pack for long then he could very well be able But if he is going to get one he has to talk to a med doc. which they could prescribe med so there is a chance that he wont

  4. Actually, I am currently in the process of getting a medical discharge. I have had back problems ever since I joined the Army and now 3 years later after years of complaining they are finally letting me go. Still I do not know what is wrong, but I can not wear my gear at all, and cant do pt anymore. It sux......all he needs to do is talk to the doctor. If that doctor, like all army doctors, doesnt want to hear it, then its best to keep trying. The most important thing they look at is, Wearing all the gear that is nescessary in combat and digging fighting positions. If you cant do that then he will get a P3...permanent profile. and will be recommended for a MED Board, where they review his case and decide whether he is fit for continuing or not. More than likely not and will let him go. He needs to be very persistent with this or they will brush it off as they did mine. Every day I went to sick call and complained...I've been thru almost every drug they can offer and all they did was say I'll be fine.

    If he sticks with this and he feels he needs to get out and he feels that he can not perform his job duties as a us soldier than he needs out.

    and to the guy above me.....MILITARY DOCTORS DO NOT CARE ABOUT SOLDIERS...i have been thru X-rays and MRI's, chiropractors and physical therapy. As long as your not dying...then they claim you to be fine.

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