
Can my friend really be evicted...?

by  |  earlier

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she lives in an apartment, and the woman who lives underneath her makes complaints to the landlord all the time about the noise coming from my friend's apartment. the only thing is, she complains about any noise my friend makes! she can't even vaccum her own living room without the woman tapping on her ceiling (which is also my friend's floor)

my brother and i went to her apartment the other day, and was just watching a movie. appearently the tv was too loud for her so she called the cops on us, instead of asking us if we'd turn the tv down.

the woman also complained to the landlord about the noises and the landlord automatically took sides with this woman, without even talking to my friend about it. he went to my friend's parents and told them he was going to evict my friend if they didnt talk to her. can he really evict my friend for this?




  1. Tell the woman downstairs "Now I am going to be evicted because of your false accusations.  I will delay as long as I can and it will take the landlord a long long time to get me out of here. Meanwhile, I will let you know what real noise is ... of course, unless you change your mind and tell the landlord to forget about the whole thing."

  2. That is really unfair.. and even more unfair that the landlord takes this other woman's side.. if I was your friend i would move out of there..Maybe the landlord and the other lady have an affair and he is on her side without even listening to what your friend has to say for personal interests sake.. that should be illegal and your friend could go and take this whole matter to court.. and sue.. but she has 2 people against her.. the landlord unfairly and totally unjustifiably. and the neighbour from downstairs so I would not want to live in this place and pay rent for it.. I would get the h**l out of there and find a  fairer landlord and some more pleasant neighbours....

  3. Yes unfortunately they can evict her. Especially if she hasn't countered with claims that these allegations are false.

    If I were her, I would try moving into another building. I think your friend is being harassed, and she needs to let the landlord know it. I think if she requested a change in the same complex they would oblige her, and she can prove that the lady was just being a total B!

    She needs to go to the landlord with her parents and talk to the landlord personally. She really needs to stand up for herself on this.

    I get the feeling she is young and the woman below is much older. That's a disadvantage, but it's also discriminatory. I would mention the vacuuming thing.

  4. Unfortunately it's your friends word against this womans, and it sounds like the landlord has already made up his/her mind.  Your friend can try going and talking to the landlord privately, and maybe seeing about switching units, maybe to a lower level.  But yes, if the landlord wants to evict your friend, he/she certainly can if he/she feels your friend is in violation of any of the rules.

  5. yeah they can evict anybody they want even if they just dont like you, your friend should talk to him  by himself ask to move my brother did that because he didnt like the people around him tell him the truth and yall have witnesses good luck i hope your friend doesnt get evicted that would suck!

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