
Can my front tooth be fixed to look normal again if it broke and I lost the piece?

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My front tooth got shot with an air soft pistol (yeah) and it broke. I lost the piece. I don't want to look like this forever! Can the dentist fix it and make it look good again? I am worried about high school ridicule and other problems coming from this.




  1. follow up with your dentist for treatment options.  best to call NOW.  you will need advice on how treat the injured tooth.

  2. you can get a cap or crown put on.

    it looks the same

  3. yeah it can get fixed

  4. Yeah they can.

    This happened to my mate when he smashed his tooth on the handlebars of his bike....

    He looked like a hick afterwards lol but now he looks the same.

  5. of course it can it will look good as new or normal

  6. Yes a good dentist can.  My nephew just had his fixed (temporary until he's an adult and can get his crown) and he looks great!

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