
Can my gallstones be causing a trapped nerve ?

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I have Barrett's disease, IBS and awaiting surgery to have my gall bladder removed ( yes, all due to an unhealthy lifestyle that I am seriously working on improving ) my GP feels that these disorders should not be causing the amount of constant pain that I endure, he suggests that I may have a trapped nerve, is the gall bladder to blame, perhaps pushing on, or trapping, a nerve and will the pain go away once it has been removed ?




  1. A trapped nerve can very painful, but I cannot imagine the gall bladder is to blame directly.

    Whilst I am not a qualified practitioner, I do find myself disagreeing with your G.P. Gallstones are known to be excrutiating.

    The reason I disagree is that I have had problems with Gall Bladder, went into hospital and was immediately given Morphine (about as strong as you can get unless you are at deaths door). I also have had a trapped nerve and prescribed tramadol, which although strong is not as strong as Morphine.

  2. My husband has had his GB out not so long ago and was on morphine, he was in agony and it was pancreatitis.

    ger checked out quickly and tell them to do something, you should be screaming at the hospital not the GP.  Tell them to do something or if in the UK take it into your hands, next time you are in pain, ca;; an ambulance and tell the driver you think it is pancreatitis.  That can be fatal and can happen if the bile goes into the pancreas cos it can't go normal cos of the stones.

    Otherwise a no fat diet will help and be on it for at least three weeks afterwards.  my email address is available so do email me for further help.


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