
Can my grandfather survive?

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My grandfather has a seriously disdended colon due to a bowel obstruction. He had one of these a few years ago and had to have a colostomy, which solved the problem.

The colostomy was reversed and the problem has returned. I spoke to a surgeon a little while ago and he said they would try to relieve the pressure but if that doesn't work they would have to remove part of his colon.

He is 78 and cannot walk because of a stroke 7 years ago. What are the chances of him surviving a colonectomy?





  1. He sounds strong, he should be fine, in fact better, after the surgery which will remove his discomfort. My Mom had two surgeries; one at 87 and one at 90 and she was very frail, about 85-90 pounds, so your Grandfather should be fine. Feel free to email me if you want, always here.

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