
Can my green tree frog be housed with a fire belly toad?

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Only experienced breeders/herp keepers can answer this question. Please answer!!!! I am getting them today and I want to know If i should get a green tree frog too




  1. No, a fire bellied toad is posinous, and green tree frog isn't, the toad in the end would probley in no time kill the tree frog.

  2. No, the larger one will eat the smaller one.

  3. I have done exactly what you are asking.  And the answer is you can.  As long as they are close to the same size and most are.    A very important note.  I feed them both crickets that are full of "gut load"  I would never recommend feeding just plain crickets, you can even dust them in a thing call reptical.    However the thing to watch for is thie.... Fire Bellies are hardy eaters.  They will eat a lot of crickets and they are less shy.  The tree frog will usually stay at the top of you tank, and will not feast as fast.  make sure the frog gets his equal share of food.  Also I mist my tanks more often when the tree frogs are in them.   I also offer a tank that has a dry side and a wet side, even though it is moist. and remeber that their must be a water source for the toads and frogs to get into.  They drink through the absorption of water by sitting in it.

  4. I have seen this done and done it myself in the past. It is safe for the most part. As long as they're about the same size you'll be alright. Frogs and toads are cannibalistic and will eat each other, this is why they must be the same size. If one was too much bigger it would eat the other. But they do require the same humid, wet, densely planted habitat. They also eat the same foods; crickets, wax worms, and other insects. If you haven't already you may want to set your tank up so that 1/2 or 1/3 of it is a water area and the rest is land. Fire Bellies like to spend a lot of time submerged in the water, and it's fun to see them swim. You need to be sure that any water you put in the tank, whether it be for drinking, swimming, or misting, is dechlorinated. Chlorine can burn their skin or dry them out, this will kill them.

    And don't worry. Neither species you've mentioned is poisonous to you or to the other. They can carry salmonella, so you should always wash your hands before and after playing with them. In addition, you shouldn't handle them much. They breathe through their skin and the oils and dryness of your hands can harm them. You also run the risk of them escaping when you have them out of the tank. Oh, and make sure your tank has a secure lid, especially with a tree frog. Frogs and toads will climb the sides or jump out. Hope I could help!

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