
Can my guinea pig drink out of a 8 ounce water bottle, or does it have to be a big 16 ounce one????

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Can my guinea pig drink out of a 8 ounce water bottle, or does it have to be a big 16 ounce one????




  1. it can be a 8 oz but you just have to remember to fill it up  when it gets low

  2. doesnt matter the size of the bottle, if you use the 8 oz you will just have to fil it more often

  3. The size depends on how big your pet is. Also, it depends on how much time you want to take each week to care for it. For example, my rabbit is medium sized so i get a medium sized water bottle for two reasons. One, it fits the size of my rabbit and two, I need only to refill it every 4-5 days. Now, you can get the small, medium, or large depending on just the size of the pet, or you could get it depending on how much each week you want to change it. All you need to be sure of is that the water bottle is a good size for your pet's mouth. The amount of water, though, does not matter.

  4. It doesn't matter what the size of the bottle is, it's just the smaller that the bottle is, the more you will have to refill it. It's more convenient to have a 16 ounce bottle. Either way you should check their water and give them fresh water regularly.

  5. You can use 8 ounce but refill it EVERY DAY AND NIGHT. I would say its easier to get a 16.

  6. it shouldn't matter which one you use just withe the 8oz you will defiantly have to fill it up a lot more and make sure even after a little bit that you check it.

  7. I don't think it matters.....he will be fine etheir way. :)

  8. i dont think the little fella will know the difference.

  9. I don't think it matters.  Your guinea pig should be able to drink out of either one.  The only difference it would make is how often you have to refill it.  As long as she has water, it shouldn't matter.

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