
Can my hamster sweat?

by  |  earlier

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my hamster has been in my room. and when i pick him up and play wtih him i notice he is like wet looking on the back of his neck. but its not wet just looks like it..

if he is how can i prevent this??





  1. AC?

    Or give him ice cold water.

    If that doesn't help, go to the vet.

    I guess..

    Not an expert:/


  2. hamsters dont sweat its the scent gland makig the dampness. if they are hot they get heatstoke because they cant sweat.

  3. It could be sweat, but in that case it means that your hamster is too hot. It could also be from a grease/oil gland. Do you have a water bottle for your hamster? It's very possible that it just walked underneath the bottle, got a drip on his neck, and now it's almost dry but still looks darker.

  4. keep the ac at 69. if you don't, he'll either freeze, or sweat so much he loses all his body water. Good luck..

  5. The hamster is part of the rodent family and they naturally tend to secrete a horomone when they get overheated or are trying to spread their scent to get a male or claim their terriority(cage). Hope this helps!

  6. its ok if it sweats but not too much. it will just cool off by it self by huffing like a dog
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