
Can my homeowners association make me pay to have address numbers painted on the curb?

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Can my homeowners association make me pay to have address numbers painted on the curb?




  1. If it's in the fine print the Home Owners Gestapo can make you pay for anything.  

  2. Most likely. Those associations are a pain in the a++. I would never buy into a neighborhood that had one. We have one here in Texas that tried to tell a guy that he couldn't park his "NEW" Ford pickup in front of his house. But they did let the owners of Lincoln pickups park theirs in front. Go figure!!!!

  3. read your covenant (HOA rules),  we had a group of storm troopers running our HOA for about five years - we finally voted them out and got officers in that had a brain.

    We opted for minimal HOA intervention and to keep the dues low, only enough to pay for insurance and the cutting of the HOA common grounds.  So unless someone constantly complains about something we are passive, basically we let things run themselves.

    Check the fine print though because in some states you'd be surprised how much power an HOA has over you & your property - it's a crime. I'll never buy another house in one...

  4. Not if you paint them yourself..

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