
Can my husband adopt my daughter without the biological fathers permission ? UK?

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My husband really wants to adopt my daughter who is 7 does the father on her birth certificate need to give his permission for this or does it just take my permission ? I was not married to her biological father.




  1. I sure hope not or that is theft.

  2. yes he can adot your child even if he isnt the dad... And yes you  do need to get parental consent and make it on paper so it legal and get it noterized as well even if you were not married at time of childs birth the law sees the father of the child as whom u put down on the birth certifacate and the dna helps with that too ... it may take lots of money and hard work but can be done ... all u need to do is go to ur local court house to where they do adoptions and legal matters at and start the process going have him do all he needs to do as well like signing papers and stuff then contact the father of the child and ask and get consent from him and make sure its just not by word of mouth because that doesnt hold up anywhere in court ........ god speed and lots of luck .....angelofalaska

  3. I think the biological father has to given consent or give up his rights to the child.

  4. I'm a social worker and have carried out quite a few "mothers own" adoptions as they were known. I prepared a report for the lower courts. The report sets out the mothers reason for adoption and in particular why it would benefit the child. The childs father is always contacted and would have a say. Obviously the courts want to know what the prospective adoptive father thinks because adoption confers complete responsibility financially/emotionally.

    One question to ask yourself is if I died would my current partner bring up the child as his own ?

    What do other family members think?

    The adoption would also remove all rights from the natural father. Does your child wish this now or in the future?

    What commitment is the natural father showing?  Why does your husband want the rights of the natural father?  Is it to benefit your daughter and if so how?  Is he insecure about his role?  In which case will taking on more responsibility may cause more problems not less.

    When I was working the Courts could grant adoptions without the fathers consent but obviously are reluctant to do so where there is any evidence of attempted parenting.

    Lots to consider if in any doubt my advice would be to wait for a couple of years and see then.

  5. No you dont need the natural fathers permission, although it would save complications later if you ask him anyway. Its up to you...Depends really on how you know he will react...was he violent etc..

  6. I think you will find that her biological father has to give his permission

  7. get a lawyer.

    i am sure the answer is that he can, however if he stays with the child then he has full parental rights. ( which if you leave him he wont find a judge on the planet with enought cohunas to grant him)


  8. My brothers former partner tried to do this and have his daughters name changed without his permission but failed.My brothers solicotor told her she couldn't do it without his permission

  9. If you have named the biological father on the birth certificate, you do need his permission.  I think there are exceptions when the court removes the rights of the father.

  10. You partner can adopt your little girl without asking the biological father if hes name is not on the birth certificate.

    If he has signed the Birth Certificate you will need his permission married or not.

  11. if he had no contact in the first five years with the child then you do not have to have his permission, but if he has then you must get his permit

    this is what i was told when my hubby adopted my daughter.

  12. If you were not married then the father has no legal rights over the child

  13. Hi, no unfortunately the 'biological' must give his consent, he has to sign away all his parental responsibilities (even if he's a waste of space who didn't look after her)

    Contact your local High Court and ask to speak to the 'Adoption Officer' ask them to send you out 'Step Parent adoption Forms', these forms will tell you all the info your solicitor will need ie numerous copies of your marriage certificate, both your birth certificates, your daughters birth certificate etc then contact a good family law solicitor who will tell you everything you need to know and what the next steps will be

    If you think her 'bio' will co-operate and allow the adoption to go ahead it will make it easier and less expensive, if he contests you could be looking at thousands of pounds to fight him in court, if you can afford it go ahead if not you need to think long and hard about whether its worth all the money..roughly £10k

    All in all it takes about a year to finalise, good luck and I hope it works out for you, you have a good man there who is wanting to adopt your daughter

  14. You need the father's permission.

  15. It takes the biological father's permission too - there are exceptions.

    Best way if he puts up a fight is to just buy him off.   The advantage of letting your husband adopt is he doesn't have to provide any further support.

  16. No. Your daughter's father needs to sign off on his parental rights. Until that is done your husband can not adopt your daughter.

  17. Of course not.  How would you feel if someone adopted your child without your permission.

  18. no, not if he is on the birth certificate you will need the fathers permission

  19. because his name is on the birth certificate, then he would have to give his permission. but i think in school etc you will be able to give her your husbands name my friend did this

  20. no he can't do that he needs to know so i think it is best if you have a talk with your baby's father about it

  21. You need his agreement.

    If you get it and proceed the child will become part of your new family and no longer belong to or have any claim on her biological father.

    It was shown on a recent TV documentary that a grown up who had earlier in life been adopted in this way failed to inherit anything from his biological fathers intestate will.

  22. Yes he does, especially as he is on the birth cert.

  23. no if u guys wernt married

  24. bear in mind YOU will have to adopt her as well. You will lose your legal rights as her biological mother and become her adoptive mother. sorry.......

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