
Can my husband and I both take FMLA leave?

by  |  earlier

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I am due to give birth in October 2008. I am planning on taking my 12 weeks that FMLA gives me and I wanted my husband to then take his 12 weeks after me. Can we do that?




  1. You both can !  ABSOLUTELY and dont let you job tell you any different . Most places try to lie to you  just to see if they can , of course they dont want you to take it . Most places require you to use all you sick,personal and vacation time when your off... which could be good or bad.   Also ... you dont have to take 12 weeks straight.. For instance ... you husband can take thursdays and fridays off stating that he needs to be home to watch the baby on those days and you can take mon thru wed off.. And 4 day weekends are sweet. Once again your job may protest  this .. but there is no lawful reason for them to do so !! You have to make them realize you are not a pushover and you know what your talking about and they shouldnt give you a hard time!!


  2. Yes, he can take 12 weeks off as well if his company meets the FMLA requirements.  Here is a link to them.  His HR department would also have the same information.  I doubt they will give him paid leave however, unless you live in CA.

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