
Can my husband get some kind of benefits if he gets a medical discharge from the army?

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my husband is currently in the army he has been in for 6 months and he is having some heart trouble they have been evaluating him for about a month and they are continuing to do so. he had a heat exaustion about 3 months ago and thats how they found it. they are not for sure if it is a preexisting condition or not. they said it is a possibility that he could get chaptered out but that is all up to his doctors now. if he gets chapterd out is there any kind of benefits that they can give him? oh yeah and they really are not sure wat is wrong with his heart they have done ultrasounds and mri all they know so far is he has heart murmor and one of the valves wont close all the there any kind of benefts that he can get from the army if they chapter him out? please help




  1. my dad had problems with his foot when he got gout and he gets a disability check from the army

    so yeah you should qualify

  2. If the injury is NOT service related, he gets no benefits.


  3. he's entitled to apply to VA benefits once he out or right before.  Someone with 2 days in the military can be retired from the service if sever enough.  That said, see this link for a previous answer of mine to get an idea of things.;...

  4. It really all depends. He may get some benefits, and he may not.

    I do know that if he is not chaptered, and has the same problem later and is chaptered then, he will get a monthly paycheck due to to Army "breaking him". But other than that, I do no know.

  5. If it was preexisting, he may qualify for disability from the VA. If he get a medical discharge again he may qualify. The amount will be determined by the severity of the aliment. My thinking right now is to go to the Disabled American Veterans (DAV for short) and sit down with a Vet Rep, and discuss this matter. I'm not sure if they can be any help at this point, but, it won't cost you anything but the gas to get there. DAV National Service offices are usually in the same building as the VA Region Office. I have given you both websites. The sooner you start this process the faster you get an answer.

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