
Can my husband stop me from getting my tubes tied?

by  |  earlier

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I am prego with our 3rd child. My husband wants one more child and I do NOT. I told him that during my c-section I am going to have my tubes tied and he told me NO! He said that he can stop me and a doctor won't do it without his concent. Is this true?




  1. nope, its your body, your choice.

  2. You can do it without his consent.  I would give it some serious consideration though.  Because when you are pregnant you don't want anymore kids and when they start growing up you want more.  I would tell your husband if you seriously don't want another one he should understand.

  3. Not true at all. There is no law that can stop you from having your tubes tied. However, if the doctor finds out your husband is not on board, he might decline doing the surgery for you. Doctors get to set their own arbitrary rules about ages, amount of kids, and spousal consent. I think it's all c**p personally. I'm 25, don't want kids, and it took me forever to find a doctor to tie my tubes!

    I should also note, that if you do this, it may very well cause an irreparable rift in your marriage. This does affect him and what he wants in his life too, so you need to be willing to accept the consequences to going ahead without his approval. Good luck!

  4. no he cant... your a big girl you can do it by yourself !!! i mean seriously your the one who has to carry it for 9 months!!

  5. no he can not stop you, it is after all your body, but be prepared for the consequences, try talking logic to him of why you want /need this done.

  6. No.  He has no control over your body.

  7. lol, no, he cannot stop you.It is your body and your decision.He's not the one that has to carry a human being for 9 months and then have his stomach sliced open!

    You two should really talk about this though, so it doesn't ruin your relationship.

    You already have three children..why does he need a fourth especially since the third hasn't even been born yet!!?

    And there is also the concept of adoption..taking a child in is a wonderful thing.

  8. It is your body your choice...  But You both have some more talking to do....

  9. The doctor will urge you to make this decision WITH your husband.  However, ultimately, its your decision.  You doctor does have every right to refuse to do it though if he knows your husband isn't ready.  Out of respect for your husband, why not just stick to birth control for a few years?  That way you can BOTH think about it a little longer.  Its a permanent decision that doesn't affect just you.  If my husband wasn't just as sure as I was about getting my tubes tied, I wouldn't have done it.  We're a team and we make EVERY decision about our family together.  Compromise a little bit.

  10. I work in the medical field and there is a law called the HIPPA law which means only you have the right to your medical records, appt.'s, medical informaton etc.. So you should speak to the doctor BEFORE you have the baby and let him know your situation and tell him you want this done after you deliver without your husband's knowledge. Have the papers signed, surgical consent taken care of and have the nurse's keep him busy with the new baby while they take you off to surgery. Good luck.

  11. No if you want them tied you can get them tied its your body he's your husband and your and adult he's not your father and your not a child you need his consent for NOTHING

  12. unfortunately I believe he is right. You have to both consent to it. Having your tubes tied isn't final because they can be untied. My mother had 5 kids me being number 5 and had her burned.

  13. No it's not true. He cannot stop you.

  14. Your husband can't stop you from making a medical decision about your own body.

    But this is something I think the two of you really need to talk about. Family planning is not something one person can just decide for the couple. I think it'll really harm your marriage if you get this procedure done against his will.

    I'm not saying you should have another child if you don't want to, but I think you and your husband need to have a serious talk to get on the same page about your reproductive future.

  15. Your body, your call.  

  16. It's your body.  He can't stop you.

    However, I have to question the wisdom of forging ahead with such a permanent procedure when your husband isn't on board with it.  You both may very well come to the conclusion that you don't want more children in the future, or you might change your mind.  But having your tubes tied has a definite finality to it, and it isn't necessarily the best thing for your marriage to make such a major decision without your husband being on board.

    Look at it this way--how would you have felt if your husband went in for a vasectomy after your first or second child was born without consulting you?

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