
Can my insurance cover the damage??? uk?

by Guest66964  |  earlier

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the leads that go from my sky box and the lead going to the sky dish have been damage by the dog chewing them up can i can this fixed on my insurance or will i have to pay for it. if so how much are all the new leads and the lead going from my sky box to the sky dish outside and where can i get them from

thanks in advance




  1. ok so I am guessing you have cable tv via satellite and the dog xhewed the wires? will have to pay for it as it was your dog that did the damage to the cables.You could probably buy some new leads but you'd have to pay an electrician to install them.

  2. first off you should re-word this question so that people can easily understand what you're asking.  Seriously, read it...the first half doesnt make sense.

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