
Can my job do this to us?!?

by Guest64098  |  earlier

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I work for a kiosk in my local mall, and have been there for about 6 months now. It is owned by 3 men from Israel. I work there selling make up hourly and make a 10% commission. There are a lot of fishy things going on. All of the employees there at the cart are female. Also, I was promised a manager job and worked as manager for a month and a half. Then I was told another girl who came from Israel would take over my job. I wasn't compensated for the extra work I did. I was told I would get a 15% commission raise, and my paperwork doesn't match my pay stub. I'm not getting the extra commission. Also she has been telling the girls working there to go home mid shift or not to even come in even though we are scheduled. Is this legal? Can our bosses really do this to us?




  1. Is there a corporate office or someone that has more authority that you can go to?

    You might try calling the Better Business Bureau and tell them to see what they can do.

  2. My bosses are doing the same to me. They don't pay overtime & i'm always working overtime. I guess you could check the labor department for your state.  

  3. Were you were given the manager job, was there any discussion of an increase in pay?  Did you get anything in writing?  If so, you can certainly demand that your employers live up to their committment and take them to court over it if you feel that's warranted.  If not, there probably isn't much you can do about it other than quit and look for another job.  Always get things in writing when a change in your title or pay structure is involved.  If your employer isn't willing to provide written confirmation, something is definitely fishy and you should get out.

  4. Don't quit until you find another job. After you are at the other job you can decide if you want to report them to the state labor authorities. There may be nothing wrong in what they have done and their promises were verbal likely commitments and will be difficult to prove.

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