
Can my life get worse?

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So my parents have been fighting all my life, they say i should be used to it because its been happening for so long. but im not. it upsets and scares me every time it happens which is everyday about something or other. it gets really really really bad my dad hits my mum when it gets that bad im so depressed! i just cry and cry all the time. my parents have broken up so many times and weve moved so many times but mum always goes back to him. to the abuse i cant take it. recently this year my dad and i started fighting so much its really bad, every morning before school he likes to have a go at me for no reason other than to make me upset. it got awful he snapped, threw me against the cupboard and strangled me. i was so scared i thought he was going to kill me. i dont think he cares about me at all. i mean a father is meant to protect thier child not be the one to cause them so much pain everyday im scared,he is an abusing person ive seen it and now been through i try to avoid him as much i can im so angry with him that i refuse to talk to him and this is hurting me even more but i dont want to know him at the same time. i cant go back to being having a relationship with him when i know hes just going to do it again

mum comes home from work and takes out all her stress on me and my brother yelling at us for no reason and then she opens a bottle of wine, this worries me because shes a recovering alcoholic she used to drink almost a carton of beer by herself EVERYDAY! he liver starting getting bad and she almost drank herself to death. so it scares me every single time i see her with a a wine bottle. its even worse when she gets drunk, which is happening more and more often lately because she picks fights with dad. at school everyday i have people that i thought were my friends calling me emo and and teasing me behind my back it hurts alot because theyre meant to be friends of mine and theyre acting like total b*****s. Ive been cutting myself on and off for the last two years i started because my older brother hated me and kept calling me things and treating me like the dog of the world and it got worse when my nan and pop died within months of each other and recently been making myself throw up and getting drunk alot. i hate being at home everyday. its a horrible place to have to come back to after a day of dealing with "oh you emo **** go slit your wrists" at school. i think of death sometimes, different ways of killing myself. i cant get up in the morning and am missing so many days of school because i cant bring myself to get out of bed to face another stupid day.

i am 15 i dont know what to do anymore. i just want to run away half the time




  1. Parents are a struggle.

    It has to be hard for you considering your age and what you have had to go through.

    I think you should talk to your mum and dad if you cant talk to them talk to another adult you trust.

    Things are hard and when you parent fight its hard and hurts because you feel like there is nothing you can do so you want to run away or end your life because you feel like its the only solution.

    Its not.

    There are people that you can talk to that can help.

    I know you don't know me as a person but im asking you to trust me.

    If you runaway your parents will probably blame themselves and then there will be more arguments. if you kill your self that will be even worse because then your parents don't have any hope of getting you back. when you loose someone in death its the worst pain in the world.

    So I'm asking you from the bottom of my heart talk to someone please!

    Good luck!  

  2. baby you need to get out! if its causing you to do things to yourself then maybe you should try to get help involved! personaly i dont think it can get any worse and thats bad. my heart goes out to you .

  3. Wow. It doesn't seem like it could get much worse. It sounds like you need to find a safe place to run to right now. Are there any friends or organizations that can assist you during this time in your life?

  4. Wow. I took the time to read that, and I feel so bad for you.

    The best thing to do is to call DCF, or Department Child Services, before things get worse and just dial 911. Say your parents are abusing you. If not, it's the best thing to do before you end dead.

  5. Listen sweetie things could get much worse BUT they could also get much better. You have a couple of huge decisions to make here and they aren't easy. You can go to a teacher, a counselor at school or even the police and tell them what is happening at home. What your parents are doing is wrong and illegal. If you report them you might be removed from your home, which honestly would be a good thing for you. Or you could leave home on your own, but I have to tell you that is a hard road at your age and often leads to worse than what you are dealing with now, especially so for girls. Or you could just stick it out for as long as you can and keep staying away as much as possible.

    Your parents are substance abusers and that is not within your control. They are horrible people for hurting their children, but that is not your fault. But the people around you have no concept about how very painful your life is, so they just see someone with issues (a victim) and respond by being a**holes. It is a "pecking order" response. Look around at your school, are there any juggalos or ravers that hang out together? If so try to make friends with them, they tend to be outcasts themselves and accept people as they are and make great friends.

    I can promise you one thing, it will get better. I know because I was there once and made it through (I left home at 16). I know because I have taken kids for years that have been there and helped them get on their feet. You can get out, it does get better. And always keep one thought in your mind and heart--never never be like this to your own kids. Because you are right, parents should love and protect their children, not hurt them. My heart goes out to you.

  6. You are not emotionally ready to have a boyfriend. Learn to be independent. I understand you need affection, but try and be strong. Go to a consellor. Be stronger than your parents..

  7. I am sorry to hear about ur situation. I grew up in a abusive home my mother was also an alcoholic. But in my scenario she was abuser. Don't worry about whats any one says about you the names or rumors. They don't understand because they don't know your situation, most of those stupid kids will never be in your shoes. I don't think you should cut yourself love. You are all you have. You don't need to hurt yourself because everyone else is already doing it that for you. You have to be strong, save money, do what you can to focus on the goal. which is get out of h**l. You also still have a little bother how old is he? think about him. Maybe when u hit 18 you can leave and save him too. I would say talk to a teacher or anyone to report the abuse, but I know how it is... its not easy ... you just can't. Your scared to say something and then it might get back to the parent, they will  would kill you. I but up with the abuse for so long. My oldest sister got married and she left, 2 or 3 years past by. and she came back for me and my little bother she adopted us. she saved me from my h**l. for that I very grateful. I think you have to have faith, In GOD in you. Do not hurt yourself any more, you don't want to have any scars to remind you of the pain. You can email me if you ever need a fried    

  8. The answer I am about to give you - won't like at all. It is so scary to do something about such a horrible situation, but what's even scarier to me is if you continue on this path, what kind of a future are you going to have?

    You need to print this out and take it to your school counselor. I know you are thinking right now....NO WAY...I can't do that....but honestly what choice do you have? You need to get out of that environment.  Please don't sit back and do nothing, because if you want your life to change then changes must be made.  Good Luck!

  9. First off, to answer your question "can it get any worse?" - Yes it can!

    I know what you have been going through is horrible and no 15 year old has to go through that much. I am not going to trouble you by telling you about worse things. But I am going to tell you that death is no way to run away from problems. Everyone dies one day or the other but how do you know death is not going to be worse than this? that's one thing that no one can tell us about.

    But i promise you there are ways to make life better for you. and if you think that this cant get any worse... well its good. There's only one way to go now. Towards a better life.

    By what you told us, I dont think this is something that you should try to handle on your own. You need professional help. Call child welfare or call the cops and get protection. It will be difficult to deal with emotionally but i assure you it is worth it. And its for the good of everyone concerned. Especially for you.

    I hope and pray that you'll find a way out of this.
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