
Can my mom do this??

by  |  earlier

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she ses shes going to get my text records & checd all my texts




  1. She can do whatever she wants to do including taking your cell from you.  Its called 'being a parent'.

  2. well, if you are a minor, and your mom pays the bill, then yeah i guess she can.  is there something you're hiding that she might be looking for?

  3. I suppose it depends how old you are and if she is the is the main person on the account for your mobile.

    If you are the account holder they cannot disclose that kind of information to anyone other than you

  4. yes she can do it.

    shes paying for the service on your phone

    it takes one phone call to the company for her to get a list of activity on ur phone

  5. Sure she can.  The phone is under her name isn't it?

  6. that would depend on a few things.

    if your under 18 then yes she can order the phone company to copy her on every text you send out (most keep them for at lest 30 days on there system) their is also something that they can do with your sim card in the phone and that will hid everything you send so she can go and get it when she is ready for it.

    Good luck  

  7. i'm not sure if you're asking if she can do it legally or whether it is physically possible for her to do so.

    if she pays your phone bill, yes, absolutely.

    the only way for her to physically be able to check your messages and all of that is for her to have access to your phone. it cant be done through the provider.

  8. Its not an invation of privacy if SHES paying for it.

    And yes she is abe to do such a thing.

  9. that would probably take a lot of work.. she is just bluffing...

  10. Yes. She's your mother.

  11. i think shes just trying to scare it would take a lot of work to do that

  12. its an invation of your privacy and should be stoped.

  13. If she's paying your phone bills then yes, definitely. If you're racking up huge bill texting your friends all the time and she's paying for it then she's right to look into what you've been up too.

  14. not even mum has tryed LOL!!! she failed!

  15. is your phone in her name or yours? there big privacy issues with that sort of thing.. my ex really hassled me via text and my phone company wouldn't even stop him but said if he acted on his violent threats that he sent via text that they would be able to send a copy of the texts to the police if the police requested them.. if you are concerned contact your service provider.. but if the account in your mums name maybe she can do something about it

  16. She can get the numbers... Not the actual text

  17. She is bluffing, I don't even think she can do that.. just delete all your text off your phone

  18. Yes. She's your legal guardian. She can search anything and everything you own.

  19. Yes she can if she's the one that pays the bills for it.

    She has a right to check your activities and who you've been calling and txting cause it's her money that you're using.

    She's just looking out for you, when you look back  when you're older you will be grateful.
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