
Can my mom keep me back a grade?

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  1. Since this is the homeschool section I assume you are homeschooled, that means that your mom is your teacher and principal, so yes, of course she can.

  2. yup

  3. Well, she can say she is, but who's to really decide whether or not you pass?  Of course, until you are an adult, you have to live with your parents' rules.  

    Hopefully your mom is reasonable and you can work this out with her without a long lasting resentment on either side.  Just do the best you can to get along.  

    It's easy enough to complete high school work in a couple of years, so you shouldn't wind up too far behind if that is your concern.

    Good luck :D

  4. i'm not sure. my homeschooling is way different. but i was in one similar where my Dad graded my work so i think she can pass or fail you if she wants too

  5. I am assuming that you are homeschooled since this is the homeschooling section. Yes, your mom can fail you if she feels that you are not ready for harder work.

  6. NO! Not any more than she can keep you from growing b*****s or growing taller. That's ridiculous. She may tell you she's holding you back but that's just silly. She can twist and turn the paperwork any way she wants but there is no way of EVER knowing what you have or have not learned in your years of growing up. Why would she say such a silly thing in the first place? Power over you? Control freak? That's dumb and what a horrible thing to say to your own child.

  7. Yes.  If your grades are borderline the school will ask for your mom's input.

  8. This is a depends on type question.  I say this because if your mother just pulled you out of public school and told the state she's homeschooling you, then before you re-enter public school you will more than likely be tested and put in the appropriate grade.  However, if she pulled you out and put you in a charter school or any other homeschooling program then due to close monitoring of curriculum and grades if you haven't been doing so well your mother will have to hold you back.

    Homeschooling is a partnership between parent and child, and it's also for older students going through it, depends on that child's internal locus of control (meaning how well that child works independently).  If your mother hands you work, and you just don't do it, of if you're having problems you don't ask for help and you continue then you're not only cheating yourself, but also your parent/teacher who is taking time to give you work and grade them.  Also, you won't do so well on any entrance exams whether it's for college or re-entry to the public system.

  9. well if u dont have the required credits like 4/5 i would suggest u stay back unless u want to pay alot of cash for summer school  but yes ur mom can hold u back

  10. Depends. Are you homeschooling? And not signed up with a correspondence or online program? Then, yes. If you are going to school, she'd have to have a truly sound reason for making you stay back a grade. The school would fight a parent who wanted their B or A student to be held back!

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